Tips and Checklist

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Read the M.B.D.C. 2019 Theme and Brief Thoroughly. Understand the Submission Requirements Properly. Prepare your Submissions accordingly.

It is possible to combine and/or integrate several materials for the execution of the design idea, although the bamboo parts must play an important and dominant role (close to 80%) in the project’s/ product’s / furniture’s / object’s overall construction.

Presentation Boards:

  1. Label all areas/ parts on the floorplans/ design diagrams;
  2. Mention North on the Site Plan/ Plan showing the locations of the Architectural Inserts/ Products/ Furniture/ Installation marked;
  3. Mention Graphical Scales to all drawings and diagrams;
  4. We would advise you to restrict your word limit on the A1 Sheets to 100 to 200 words per sheet. Make them as Graphical as possible to easily convey your ideas.
  5. Please make sure that you shouldn’t mention your Team Name/ Personal Name and Details or any other similar identification marks on the Presentation Boards or Project Statement or Cover Image or any other Submission Format asked, which are the part of Reference Kit. Mentioning Personal Details would lead to disqualification of the entry.

Project Statement:

The Purpose of the Project Statement is to make the jurors know your understanding of the Design Problem; your Research Process to address that Problem; and how your Research gets transformed into a Creative Process to come up with a Design Resolution.

It has to be short and crisp and “to the point”. It has to be as long as maximum 1 Page Document (A4).

You can use Statistics, Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, etc. to Convey Your Ideas in a Better Way.

Developing some research questions and finding answers for them will help you come up with a good Project Statement.

E.g. - What was your Research Method Like?

- Was the Research Method you used appropriate to the problem you're tackling?

- What is your design’s impact based on its concept, materials, maintenance, energy usage, and water and waste management?

- Are you taking advantage of the existing Flora and Fauna and contributing something for it through your design?

- Have you thought making provisions of converting the Nala into something which could be more clean and garbage free?

- Have you thought about the usability of the Park throughout the day? etc.

Please note that these are not ideal questions. These are just examples so that you could come up with your own questions.

The following process(only a sample process is given, please come up with your own process) be followed for writing a design statement:

Understanding the Design Problem -> Research -> Developing an Idea based on the Research and Findings -> Transformation of that Idea into a Design/ Design Process -> Benefits / Advantages/ Inference of the entire process -> Design Resolution.

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