Currently the Parks in Pune consist of the following activities and spaces:
Morning/ Evening Walks
Yoga and Meditation
Laughter Clubs
Meetings – Public and/or community
Reading corner
Katta’s for discussion
Pet walks and Pet zones
Café/ Kiosks
Children’s Play Area
Community Water Taps
Flag Hoisting Pole
Spaces for smallFairs and Bazaar
Tiny Community Theatres – Amphitheatre
Public Toilets
and Many more….
All these activities and attributes of these spaces contributing to these activities haven’t changed as fast as the lifestyle changes of this generation. These parks also lack the very specific infrastructure for specific activities which are a part of everyday life for the current generation, which have the potential of happening there. For e.g. Things like charging ports are very rarely available at the location, which makes it difficult for parks to be used for professional discussions, etc. But they rather have a series of generalised spaces which can be picked up and placed in any other park.
Your role as designers in this competition is to have a complete approach to make sure that the park has all the essential activities (with reference to the points above) and specific, functional and ‘relating to today’s time’ infrastructure so that the park is used and occupied throughout the day.
Your Ideas should be practical and logical in the sense that they can be executed one day, rather than relying on utopian fantasies.
The following points should be considered while you approach your design:
Purpose: Does your design cater to or solve an issue?
Usability: Does your design offer smoother functionality?
Practicality: Can your design be implemented in real time, because there is chance to execute that your proposal will be executed in reality.
Community: Does your design contribute not only to its users, but also the communities that surround it?
Aesthetically appealing: Will your design be aesthetic so as to attract the general public?
Responding to today’s time: Does your design take into consideration today’s generation?
Creativity: Is your design original and interesting?
Viability: Is your design viable in the sense that it promotes social values?
Technology: Is your design in-sync with today’s technology?
Durability: Is your design durable and is the use justified for the purpose it is serving?
Sustainability: Does you design year for maximum sustainability?